
Programming Skills

  • Programming languages: R (>2000hours); Python (>600 hours), Matlab (>300 hours), HTML, CSS, & JavaScript (>300 hours)
  • Databases: SQL, MongoDB, SQLite
  • Reporting” Github, IPython Notebook, shell scripting, Markdown.
  • Frameworks/libraries: the Hadley universe of R packages, D3.js, GraphLab, Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, Theano, TensorFlow, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Shiny, quantmod, markovchain, forecast, DEoptim, highcharts.
  • Applications: Microsoft Office Suite, Tableau, SPSS, SR Eyelink, AMOS.

Financial Knowledge

  • Portfolio management and optimization
  • Risk management
  • GIPS® performance analysis and implementation
  • Cash-flow management and modeling
  • Business valuations


  • Certified Financial Analyst (CFA®) candidate.
    • I cleared all three levels on the first attempt (see score ranges for Level II and Level III)
    • Passing the exams does not make me the Warren Buffet of investing, nonetheless…
    • I’m pursuing the the CFA® designation because it leverages the current best investment practices and because it shows, on my part, a strong ethical commitment to put the interests of the market, clients, and employers above my own interests
  • Udacity, Data Analyst Nanodegree (March, 2016)
    • Covered data munging, machine learning, AB testing
    • Find repo with 7 projects here
  • Binghamton University - Ph.D in Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2016
    • The focus of my dissertation was to examine how humans integrate visual and spoken information. The R code, data, and technical report can be found here
    • Courses: LMER seminar, Matlab seminar, stats I/II/III, modeling, non-parametric testing workshop, fractal analysis and recurrence analysis workshop (through APA)
  • Binghamton University - MS Cognitive Psychology, 2013
  • SUNY Alfred - Bachelors in Business Administration 3.98/4.0 GPA, 2011
  • Took over three dozen courses in finance, statistics, and programming through Coursera and edX

Professional Experience

Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Binghamton University, NY.


  • Designed, executed, programmed, analyzed, and reported findings from over three dozen behavioral experiments (more than 2000 experimental subjects run) through oral or written form
  • Implemented time-series analyses in processing of eye-tracking data
  • Synthesized over one thousand experimental studies in a large scale meta-analysis
  • Applied prediction algorithms for behavioral data. I have employed the following modeling techniques during my work: multilevel modeling, random forests, boosted trees, regression splines, SVM, PCA, k-means, hierarchical clustering, confirmatory factor analysis, and exploratory factor analysis
  • Gave departmental talk on Linear Mixed Effects Regression
  • Published first-author papers in refereed journals and presented research at national scientific meetings
  • Instructed classes for Lab in Perception (2013, 2015), Lab in Learning (2013), and Psych Lab (2011)

Instructor, Binghamton University, NY.

Summer 2013, 2014

  • Designed a Research Methods and Statistics course from scratch and taught the course in-class during summer sessions; See syllabus here

Budget Committee, Graduate Student Organization, Binghamton, NY.


  • Together with a small team of other graduate students, managed and balanced a quarter million dollar budget for over 2000 graduate students

Editor-in-Chief, Tor Echo College Newspaper, NY.


  • Managed the day-to-day operations of the newspaper, including motivating and developing editorial staff, editing content, establishing connections with distributors, advertisers, community, and administration
  • Balanced and managed the budget for the newspaper

Tutor, Research Foundation, NY.


  • Tutored students in Calculus, Physics, Accounting, Finance, and Statistics

Vice-President, Association for International Volunteering in Moldova (AVI-MD), Moldova


  • Organized and participated in the project “Human Rights on Bicycles” that had the objective of increasing the population’s interest in human rights issues
  • Created training workshops on the topics of group leadership, project development, and fundraising for NGOs
  • Worked with Service Civil International( in creating local volunteer camps


  • Binghamton Travel Awards from CAPS and GTRF in the sum of about $2,000 through years 2011-2015
  • CAPS grant, 2014, $16,500
  • SOROS Open Society Foundation grant, 2013, $3,000
  • SOROS Open Society Foundation grant, 2012, $4,500
  • MDIMUN, 2010
  • International Excellence Scholarship, 2007-2010, $28,000
  • Paul B. Orvis Award for Excellence, 2009
  • Phi Theta Kappa Scholastic Scholarship, 2009
  • Frank and Mary Beaton Memorial Scholarship, 2009
  • Outstanding Student Award- Business Administration, 2009
  • Robert Woods Freshman Composition Scholarship, 2008
  • Inducted in PTK (Phi Theta Kappa) Honor Society, 2008
  • One of the top five finalists in NYSMATYC (New York State Mathematics Association) contest, 2007


  • I’m trilingual in English, Romanian, and Russian

This blog has been created in Jekyll, github-pages, markdown, and a bunch of js libraries (e.g., plotly, d3) to make things look nice and pretty. I’m also using the So Simple Theme by Michael Ross. I strongly believe in sharing knowledge and insights with the community, so you can find all the code I post on my website here.